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20150 big sunglasses brand list

by:Eugenia     2020-08-31
1. Ray-ban ( Peng) 雷- Ban( In 1930 the United States air force pilots) 。 2. St Prosun ( Ten sunglasses brands, 1991 Taiwan trade group brand) 。 3. Cary cary kalikali ( 10 sunglasses brand, Italy famous brand, pure handmade mirror! ) 。 4. Buick buick ( Ten sunglasses brands, American famous brand) 。 5. The Police Police ( Ten sunglasses brands, the world famous brand) 。 6. Send li meng PARIM ( Ten sunglasses brands, in 1992 to enter the mainland's Taiwan brand) 。 7. GUCCI GUCCI ( Ten sunglasses brand, began in Florence, Italy, 1923) 。 8. Christian Dior Dior ( Ten sunglasses brand, Christian dior in 1946 France) 。 9. PORTS PORTS ( Ten sunglasses brands, the world famous brand) 。 10. 。 European classical AUGSDA (Dan 10 sunglasses brand, derived from the UK, international brand) 。
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