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Anne hathaway stars such as wear Fendi Fendi sunglasses fashion become the devil wears prada

by:Eugenia     2020-08-26
Takeaway: Fendi Fendi is a famous Italian quality brand, specializing in the production of fur products, at the beginning and to this day, Fendi products include leather products, high-end fashion, fashion bag, men's and women's accessories, perfume, etc. And Fendi sunglasses with its fashionable joker design capture the favor of many fashionistas. In the new 2014 chun xia series sunglasses, Fendi, break traditional launched this kind of distinctive Color Block sunglasses. Large square leopard frame, with brightly colored mirror legs together, let itself to restore ancient ways design much a few minutes of summer. Like fashion trend of young people might as well bold attempt this sunglasses, whether rock flavour is dye-in-the-wood collocation of clothes, or simple t-shirts, jeans, can let you shine. Anne hathaway costumes, tie-in Color Block sunglasses aura is dye-in-the-wood supermodel and actor rosie, han Paddington - Whitman ( 罗茜·汉丁顿- Whiteley) Wear FENDI series new sunglasses, capable and elegant temperament. The sunglasses use delicate plate joining together, the details of the classic brand design, perfect and elegant tonal and strong contrast color effect. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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