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Anne hathaway white shirt leisure jeans fashion sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-28
Anne hathaway (read: Anne Hathaway) A white sleeveless T-shirt jeans leisure nature, all the sunglasses covered face star flavour is dye-in-the-wood, sat on the lawn and the dog play with love. Anne? Hathaway white shirt leisure jeans fashion sunglasses Anne hathaway ( Anne Hathaway) , was born in brooklyn, New York, on November 12, 1982, American film actress. Anne hathaway in the princess diaries by people magazine after sealing for the beautiful star in 2001, the acting style is close to Judy garland and Audrey Hepburn. In 2006, Anne hathaway performed on 'the queen'. In 2008, Anne in Rachel's wedding, and won the 81th Academy Awards heroine's nomination. In 2010, Anne hathaway, with 'love and other drugs' landing golden globe comedy actress. In 2012, Anne hathaway, starred in 'batman: the dark knight rises. In 2013, Anne hathaway, with les miserables fantine in Oscar and golden globe awards in the corner of the beautiful actress in a supporting role. Anne? Hathaway white shirt leisure jeans fashion sunglasses pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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