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Burn after reading Snapchat released the first Internet sun glasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-06
According to foreign media reports, burn after reading application Snapchat its first hardware product time to market earlier than anyone had imagined. Snapchat announced late Friday, will begin from this autumn sales Internet sunglasses doubtful, priced at $130. Snapchat co-founder and CEO evan's skin ( 埃文明镜周刊) Also announced that the company will be renamed the Snap Inc, to reflect the company not only development Snapchat application now. Doubtful equipped with a button is pressed, began to record video, after the longest 10 seconds. Doubtful 'camera lens using 115 degrees, closer to one's field of vision. It can record video sector, aimed at creating a simulation of the human nature view play experience. Doubtful 'is divided into three colors: turquoise, black, and coral, video can be wireless synchronization to matching the iPhone or other smart phone. 'When I looked back at the video of filming, I as if through his own eyes see his memory, incredible,' he said. Snapchat said it would gradually to market doubtful, and call it a 'toy'. On Facebook and its subsidiaries continuously introduce similar to Snapchat function of burn after reading, the Internet sunglass for Snapchat opens up a new business may create profits. His recent Snapchat has been calls 'a camera company', is not a social network. Considering the Facebook dominates the online communications, Snapchat move wisely. The outside world will naturally doubtful with Google glasses, and the latter is a failure of Google wearable computing products. However, due to doubtful is sunglasses, so compared to Google glasses is not so abrupt. Doubtful 'cheaper price, even less than one over ten of the Google glasses. Google glasses sells for $1500. But like Google, Snapchat will also doubtful as fashion accessories sales. Snapchat in well-known Wall Street journal magazine released the product, CEO, still wearing doubtful let fashion designer Karl lagerfeld ( 卡尔拉格菲尔德) For the pictures. ( Compile/xiao rain)
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