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Can myopia surgery be performed at 600 degrees?_industry news_

by:Eugenia     2022-05-02
600 degrees of myopia is considered to be the upper-middle-high myopia in myopia, and due to the high degree of myopia, it is necessary to wear glasses all the time, which many people do not like. Surgery to correct vision is something that many people want to try in myopia correction. So, can surgery be done for 600 degrees of myopia? Let’s take a look at it together. 1. Strict inspection is required before myopia surgery. Any myopia surgery requires strict preoperative inspection of myopia surgery. Only if the conditions are met, the surgery can be performed. Therefore, if you want to have surgery for 600 degrees of myopia, you also need to perform preoperative examinations. Second, 600 degree myopia surgery can choose LASIK surgery and femtosecond laser surgery. 600 degree myopia surgery can choose LASIK surgery and femtosecond laser surgery. LASIK surgery corrects vision by cutting the cornea and thinning the corneal flap. Femtosecond laser myopia surgery uses lasers to make corneal flaps, and the corneal flaps will be more uniform. But both procedures have certain risks and complications. There are many complications of LASIK surgery, such as eye infection, undercorrection or overcorrection, secondary keratoconus, irregular corneal flap, glare, high astigmatism, dry eye, etc. The sequelae of myopia surgery are more, not to be taken lightly. Although full femtosecond laser surgery is better than LASIK surgery in making corneal flaps, it is undeniable that surgery also has certain risks, and femtosecond laser myopia surgery may cause incision bleeding, subconjunctival hemorrhage, etc., which seriously affects effect of surgery. In addition, no one can guarantee that the vision of the eyes will be good in the future after myopia surgery. 3. Objectively speaking, if the conditions are met, the operation can be performed. Objectively speaking, if the conditions are met, the operation can be performed, but we must also have the courage to bear the situation of the failure of the operation, although the possibility of failure is very small. , but there are also some people whose vision recovery after surgery is not very good, and the future time is also very long, no one can guarantee that the vision will be good in the future, and the quality of vision is also caused by many factors.
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