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Carrera glasses is not the lack of brand

by:Eugenia     2020-08-20
Carrera( Carrera) Early to make sports glasses, ski goggles, and a helmet is given priority to, with innovation and sports spirit composed of special history, full of enthusiasm and success. As leaders in the industry, has been leading the Carrera trends, innovation, creating a series of products. Among them, sunglasses, glasses, ski helmet and goggles products by the public, and Carrera designer is to blend aesthetics and practical technology as own duty, constantly, to ensure that the aesthetics and function balance, to meet the demand of top athletes. Today, let us follow small make up together seems to have a look at the different series of Carrera glasses! Carrera champions series Carrera series are designed by top designers, original, reworking the Carrera style, designed for cool people. Synopsis lines and iconic element on the bridge of the nose, all show CARRERA brand concept for individuality, freedom, and the challenge. Siliceous trademark on the beam, its leg at the end of the inside of the trademark, laser engraving, metal Mosaic process, reveals its outstanding quality. Carrera retro series Carrera retro series of glasses with its new sunglasses styles resonate young and fashionable tide people all over the world. And, a new Carrera glasses series, with its wide personalized signature detail design restoring ancient ways is popular, leading the fashion trend. Carrera fantasy series Carrera fantasy series joining Safilo glasses Carrera is it, after the launch of the sunglasses and optical frame series, to move feeling, self-confident, vogue, unwilling to go with the flow of tailored to the younger generation. This series of glasses from the Angle of the square design and style restoring ancient ways, combined with anti glare polarized lens and rubber material, presents different characteristics. Besides the above, glasses are one of the best handmade Carrera plate series, modern style and style restoring ancient ways together, both classic and rocks a. If you want to different, maybe Carrera can give all you want.
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