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Choice of sunglasses to keep in mind

by:Eugenia     2020-08-13
Depending on the inferior sunglasses is not clear and can't resist the ultraviolet ray, the result is a pupil dilation, make the eye lens to absorb more ultraviolet ray, so be sure to choose reputable shops to buy. It's better to buy sunglasses should pay attention to what?
first, first to see if the lens has a scratch, bubble, impurities, stripes, check the packing for sunglasses, regular sunglasses should be marked with name, color, diameter, quality levels, production factory name and trademark, the mirror or tags are marked as both UVA and UVB rays and CE mark sunglasses can ensure that block uv
the second, choose and try to put on the sunglasses have the feeling of dizziness, headache. Now there are some marked degree of myopia sunglasses on the market for sale, but because of pd and other indicators vary from person to person, so if there is no guidance of professional personage, consumer is good not to choose this prescription sunglasses. Sunglasses
third, with the hand of the two horns on the fluorescent lamp, mirror reflective article gently rolling, if it is found that mirror the daylight lamp shades appear wavy, twisted, prove that the lens is not flat, the mirror can damage eyesight.
4, lens to level off, the definition, the sun lenses made of glass and resin, and a good sun lens polarized lens should be used. It USES as well as contact lenses and precision made of synthetic resin, synthesized from seven layer chip, two outside layer is hard wear-resisting layer; Second, six is shatterproof strengthening layer; The third and fifth layer is the uv filter layer, middle layer is polarized filter layer. Polarized lenses can effectively filter out reflected light and harmful uv rays, and resistant, wear, and other functions, is a popular sunglasses.
5, the color of the sunglasses in addition to according to your own color, face, dress to match, also should choose according to in and out of place. In general, black, dark brown, grey filter effect is good; Grey lens for any chromatography can balance absorption, wearing glasses can see scenery will only after dark and do not have clear off color, Dark brown lens can filter out a lot of blue light, which can improve visual contrast and clarity, under the condition of air pollution is serious, or foggy wearing effect is a plus.
6, sunglass how depth of colour for us? Simple self-test method is to wear sunglasses, in front of a mirror for can vaguely see the pupil of his limit. Color too shallow, filter function is too small; Color is too deep, affect vision and weaken the sense of color. Popular this year the colorful light of the sun glasses, do not use water activities at the beach, reflective snow and the sun is very strong sun, and should wear sports sunglasses, most of them adopt the saturated color of color is gorgeous, can absorb or reflect more visible light.
7, wearing sunglasses in addition to reduce glare, make the eyes comfortable, main purpose is to prevent ultraviolet damage to the eyes, and whether the lens color and UV protection are two different things, even if the lens color deep, also won't be able to effectively prevent UV, UV resistant are marked so be sure to choose the lens. Usually sunglasses UV index at 96% 98%.
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