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Coco lee to Orbis public welfare activity called on the public attention to eye health

by:Eugenia     2020-08-01
Recently, coco lee went to Taiwan, to attend the nonprofit health education organizations, charities orbis ( 奥比斯) A public welfare activities, called on the public attention to eye health. Orbis international ( 奥比斯国际) Is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to high quality eye disease treatment for remote areas in the world. Coco lee long-term commitment to the development of public welfare undertakings, and the invitation is the first time to travel to Taiwan to attend the charity event. Because relatives of astigmatism and amblyopia, coco lee attaches great importance to and understanding for eye health. To take this opportunity to Coco also called on the public pay attention to eye health, and hope that through their own strength for the public good. Coco lee specially introduces the activities of the teddy bear doll, says it hopes to bring calm to all the patients, when patients recovered remove eye mask, with patients to witness the light together. Coco will also bear gave a lot of small patients in the hospital: 'I hope they every day wake up one eye can see such a lovely little bear, happy day! 'This article from the Chinese glasses net, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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