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Days' futuristic pk Depp daughter wind restoring ancient ways is what kind of sunglasses you love more?

by:Eugenia     2020-08-03
Uncle since Depp and wife divorce, wife Sue Depp domestic violence, Depp 17-year-old daughter Lily Rose Depp on them to support for torre after her ins rarely updated. Recently, Lily finally update a hot from the photos, as Chanel No. 05 and Chanel glasses advertising image ambassador of the big cover girl, her nature is duty-bound to show their 'little sweet' charm! Lily Rose Depp in released photos, Lily is wearing her favorite condole belt vest, shoulder Chanel backpack, prodigal all show temperament. Compare her modelling, Lily eyes that big logo printed with Chanel sunglasses are more conspicuous, before she does not seem to have people put this style out of the street! Originally, Lily as Chanel glasses 2016 advertising big cover girl, 'enjoy' in the latest fashion in advance! Lily Rose Depp large this time for Chanel filming ads of Chanel sunglasses are mostly wind restoring ancient ways is given priority to, also on the glasses with costly pearls or stereo camellia ornament, full court breathed. 香奈儿的黑猫, 眼珠儿太阳镜( $1000) 香奈儿平方山茶花太阳镜( $880) 香奈儿广场标志性的黑色太阳镜( $340) This year the future of the super fire are also reflected on the Chanel sunglasses, the appearance of the mirror slice, square founder 'complete' shows the fashion of science and technology. 香奈儿飞行员绗缝银太阳镜( $470) 香奈儿太阳镜(乌龟矩形 $375) To say the glasses had the most futuristic player still must belong to Dior, Dior's So Real sunglasses and double color sunglasses is nearly two years the most popular star favorite style, but this year, Dior again launched a mortal unruly 'outer space'. Rihanna deduce Dior sunglasses last year, this series of sunglasses have signed on as Dior ambassador day endorsement, the sunglasses series was named 'Rihanna', the reason is simple, because now into fashion day by day to participate in the design of the Dior sunglasses. Rihanna deduce Dior sunglasses poster alone, day by day are deduced three different colors, extremely use up all the wind in the future. Rihanna deduce Dior sunglasses didn't sale Rihanna although Dior sunglasses, but every day early started wearing out of the street, and her personal clothing style is very unique. Rihanna deduce Dior sunglasses this sunglasses in addition to daily deduction of colors and styles, there are all kinds of unexpected you spell color design, and So Real, you can be in official website to choose the color of frame and lenses. 独家” Rihanna' Sunglasses but light like this style, no matter what color it is difficult to handle! 独家” Rihanna' SunglassesExclusive” Rihanna' Comparing Sunglasses wind restoring ancient ways of Chanel and Dior's future feeling, which feel do you like more Sunglasses? This article from YOKA fashion website, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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