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Dolce & gabbana dolce &gabbana limited edition sunglasses series

by:Eugenia     2020-08-29
Dolce & gabbana ( Dolce& Gabbana) Released 2014 'Almond Flowers' glasses series, its inspiration from Sicily on all flower season. We can see in this series, skilled craftsmen hand-painted carve out pink flowers and gold leaf, and order them stick on the frame, with the bright-coloured color such as white, red, send out a fresh charm, does not have romantic feelings. Dolce & gabbana headquartered in milan, Italy, 2014 limited edition sunglasses dolce & gabbana company was founded in 1985, today has become one of the major international group in the field of quality. Two founders Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana company has always been the two brands of - — Dolce & Gabbana and D& G Dolce & Gabbana creation and design of the source, is also characterized by balanced development and is committed to the core business of early advocate growth strategy. Their fashion house headquartered in milan, with the Gucci and Prada resounded through the world, such as a line of high quality brand revitalization of the Italian fashion industry. Product series: women's, men's clothing, underwear, swimwear, perfumes, accessories, leather goods, watches, glasses, etc.
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