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Don't ask I have a prescription sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-07
'The sort of belt is prescription sunglasses? '' sunglasses can also have a degree? '' sunglasses make myopia sunglasses is not good-looking? Recommended reading: 'what's good about often wear polarized sunglasses recently, often have such a question for me. The sun is shining, the weather becomes warmer, 'sunglasses season is coming, today I'll tell you about the sunglasses. Myopia sunglasses technology in fact in China also has been very mature, the reason will feel insecure, largely because it is not very popular in China. In addition, although the myopia sunglasses have myopia glasses and sunglasses two function, but it does not replace the ordinary myopia glasses used indoors, so a lot of people feel bought not cost-effective. But actually sunglasses is related to our daily life, after all, all the year round have very strong ultraviolet ray, ultraviolet ray and the damage is very big, such as cataract, etc. , to prevent. Weakened and driving, sunglasses can be a very good high beam and dazzling light, such as urban skyscrapers when strong light reflection, heavy rain will form a huge range of flutter, which has the function of polarizing sunglasses can filter these diffuse and reflect light, effectively alleviate visual fatigue. So buying sunglasses are very necessary.
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