
High quality product, professional service, being the core supplier in sunglasses industry!

Export business Intelligence Sunglasses Sunglasses ltd. Intelligence

by:Eugenia     2020-08-12
The sun glasses SUNGLASSES H. S customs code: 90041000. In 2014, the year exports to 164 countries from China and export total amount is 3. 800 million dollars. Sunglasses, HS 90041000) In January 2014 - December product trend chart, you can see in February, June month is the peak period of procurement in foreign countries. China's export sunglasses destination number ( According to the amount) : the United States ranked first, the second is Hong Kong, China, followed by Italy, Russia, Britain, India · · · · · · · · international purchasing sunglasses price range, can clearly see the parts of Taiwan, China, Italy, price range varies considerably. China's export in 2014 sunglasses enterprises ( According to the amount) , mainly concentrated in the south coast. The number one export enterprise dongguan lingnan mainly exported to Hong Kong, China, Italy, the United States, Brazil, etc. In the us market, for example, 2014 - - In 2016 for three consecutive years of purchasing sunglasses trend analysis, detailed understanding of the product in the United States procurement cycles of the market, accurate contact ( Trough, peak cooperation) 2014 - American clients for three consecutive years - - The market share of the global purchasing sunglasses in 2016, understand other country market, enhance product competitiveness, determine the customer specific purchasing habits. Buyers in the United States Lucent Product Inc. As an example, the company is a women's fashion accessories manufacturers and suppliers, the company since 2013 fixed procurement in wenzhou. Purchaser Lucent Product Inc. Procurement of periodic table in recent years, reduce the purchase quantity last year. As an enterprise should pay close attention to, in a timely manner to consider various factors, accordingly improved. Purchaser Lucent Product Inc. All the suppliers of analysis, in which peer supply growth? Whether your business accounted for in the fall? Old customers and new who purchase products? How to maintain the old customers, is our focus on thinking of an important work. 以朗讯产品公司。 As an example of buyers background investigation report, the company introduction, news, executives, credit system, detailed contact information and so on all can understand the. Double-click the data above are from Shanghai information technology co. , LTD. ( Foreign trade commune) This article from the Chinese glasses net, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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