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Famous glasses brand J. Crew SUPER joint launch x 2014 qiu dong series new glasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-29
Introduction: in recent years, actively cooperate with all major brands of J. With the famous Italian sun glasses brand SUPER Crew near new qiu dong series, two new design. J。 Crew x SUPER joint launch new glasses series of 2014 autumn winters in recent years, actively cooperate with all major brands of J. With the famous Italian sun glasses brand SUPER Crew near new qiu dong series, two new design. Joint series contains two flat lens and sunglasses styles, the design of the large mirror and thick frames the shapes of eye, with high quality materials and high order Zeiss lenses, feel real and not China. J。 Crew SUPER joint launch x 2014 qiu dong series new glasses pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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