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Fan bingbing, appeared in the airport, show fashionable sunglasses with hole in jeans

by:Eugenia     2020-08-25
Recently, the fan bingbing on airport, wearing a red border black hat, wearing a blue hole in jeans, with a little black suits a orange wen jing beautiful fashion, mixing state of the high, reveal fashionable breath. Her hair she chose to wear a sunglasses, it's light brown. Not only can protect gradually strong sun damage to the eyes, and her skin white inside deeply red, is an excellent way of collocation. Glasses sunglasses factory warm prompt you, the summer sunshine strongly, the person's eye is vulnerable to uv rays in sunlight, so go out must remember to bring a fashionable and generous can block ultraviolet light sunglasses again, such ability let beauty and health. Photo network if you want to delete, please contact
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