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German glasses brand Mykita with Martin magee Esstential glasses series again cooperation

by:Eugenia     2020-08-30
German famous glasses brand Mykita with Martin magee ( Maison Martin Margiela) Had 2014 chun xia glasses series of cooperation, has once again cooperation bring Esstential series, the comes in two color pink and dark brown lens, frame aspect is the continuation of the metal resistance alloy material, the feeling of relaxed and lively. Mykita ( Mykita) X Martin magee MMM ( Maison Martin Margiela) Deserve to act the role of dark brown glasses of 2014 autumn winters this comes in two color pink and dark brown lens, frame aspect is the continuation of the metal resistance alloy material, the feeling of relaxed and lively. The series will be landing Mykita and Martin magee ( Maison Martin Margiela) The past &present. Mykita ( Mykita) X Martin magee MMM ( Maison Martin Margiela) Deserve to act the role of pink glasses of 2014 autumn winters
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