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Glasses of the spring with new fashion!

by:Eugenia     2020-08-13
In this everywhere, in advocate low carbon environmental protection s glasses sister might as well will be simple and natural attitude 'LOHAS' into your daily dress collocation come on! Spring scenery good, why not faded from onerous dress up, let oneself do a simple and comfortable lohas beauty. Lohas attitude: flat shoes, without makeup? Has not been held street snap one-piece dress let you no longer for the upper and lower body is tie-in problem scratching, temperatures warm, as well as outside with such a soft and comfortable long coat. Lohas index: u u u u fashion degrees: u u u u lohas attitude: enjoy freedom of 'taste' of the field army green and khaki cloth collocation, the first impression is the wild photographer or archaeologists, although simple but have a lot of character, not the work environment can also learn the simple style. Lohas index: u u u u u fashion degrees: u u u u do
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