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Guiyang a newspaper reporter like lee min-ho weibo star wearing sunglasses are of true and false

by:Eugenia     2020-08-23
Han edition pattern with 'man' with the table became the role of my everything, after is relying on the city of lovers, 'heirs' idol drama to its popularity soared, clinching the sohu net in China in 2013 alone 'popular international actor' and baidu boiling point 'preferred asia-pacific actors' two big prizes. Recently, the guiyang a newspaper reporter found popular microblogging resembling my everything. Don't know whether we still remember the 2013 happy boys Beijing ChangQu with a 'girl' into the top ChangQu 11, the country's 66 strong jerry yan, due to the height, appearance, especially grinned trademark smile like to show my everything, jerry yan as sufficient my everything. However, compared with the name of the newspaper reporter, was 'too weak'! But many netizens point out that resembles my everything of this newspaper reporter, because of the picture is the same Angle to see many pictures of him easy to fatigue. But in this set, there is a positive, wearing dark glasses and my everything, comparing to the real dark glasses as really difficult points and true and false,
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