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Gushi sunglasses festival grand opening

by:Eugenia     2020-08-11
On April 9 in the morning, sponsored by the county culture bureau, the big bright glasses company to undertake the gushi sunglasses festival opening. Cui Zhenjian gushi county party committee, united front work department minister, the county party committee standing committee member and deputy county magistrate wang hai, the henan daily in xinyang station chief Hu Ju into, the river newspaper in xinyang bureau stationmaster He Zheng power, and county, head of the relevant departments and units attended the opening ceremony.

the opening ceremony, the big bright glasses, head of the company address, will take the sunglasses festival as the platform, to fashion life brand in the county, with rich and colorful cultural activities, to show charm gushi, for our county a good addition to the construction of spiritual civilization and material civilization.

county bureau of quality and technical supervision affirmed the big light glasses, head of the company over the years, the good faith management, hope company will take the opportunity to section, adhering to the & # 8220; Serve the society, service consumers & # 8221; Principle, set up a good brand image, for the county inside and outside customers to provide more quality services.

Cui Zhenjian announced gushi sunglasses festival opening.

Cui Zhenjian, wang hai, Hu Ju into electronic ball jointly launched the opening ceremony.

the opening ceremony ended, the county leaders and guests also went to the light inside the store had to visit guidance.
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