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Hairong tian fashionable sunglasses modelling photos all show elegance

by:Eugenia     2020-08-04
Although hairong tian is no longer in their twenties young girl, but in the daily dress still keep up with fashion, instead more has a lasting appeal. Some street snap, hairong tian recently have sunglasses for decoration, appears more tide more elegant. Hairong tian photo exposure of a set of Paris street, in summer the noisy streets of Paris, dressed in a rich artistic flower modelling, lace-up trench coat, the outline of fine waist and ankle, carefully with the wind flap of black curly hair, French romantic elegance, tie-in cool sunglasses, all show fashionable van. Hairong tian, dressed in a simple black fleece tie-in white shorts is delicate, white and beautiful leg very grab an eye, chic modelling the little hat and cool cat kind half box trend playful and fashionable sunglasses. Hairong tian, dressed in a blue striped shirt wide, tie-in color of tall waist knitted dress, walking in the streets of Paris, lightsome and elegant, personality sunglasses on collocation, the framework of the marble grain, appear natural plain and neat and noble temperament. Gucci sunglasses recommend that ms GG3688 / F/S sunglasses hawksbill DWJDB gucci GG3696 / S unisex sunglass black AM3HD
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