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High count those pretend bility glasses brand

by:Eugenia     2020-07-25
Now this social trend of fashion with new definition, is not to say that everybody likes is popular culture, but is not a good thing too popular. Still remember the happy boys, 13 years left standing with a ballad 'miss dong' travel light, don't know how many people sing to the heart, but it suddenly burst fire, 'miss dong' as if also become not so pure. So small culture not fire, but as an opportunity. Small make up today to lead everyone to enjoy the high pretend bility glasses brand. COPPE& SID is a culture of country, Italy, Rome is the capital of art's paradise. From the Italian fashion brand of glasses cooper & amp; SID was born in an art, and embodies the city between the internationalization of the soul. First published glasses series cites all over the world popular elements, their design philosophy from different country, once visited they think every vice frame represents the soul of a city, hope that through its distinctive glasses design to reflect the different cultural connotation of the city. 维克多& ROLF believe many fans of the brand in fashion not unfamiliar, this brand by designer Viktor Horsting and ROLF Snoeren founded together, their brand characteristic is bold, like works of art from continuing to creative and unconventional wonderful item, to lead the global fashion trends. 维克多& As their clothes, ROLF glasses, as usual, bold fashion design style. Broke the existing design thinking, through to explore the possibility of color and texture, tie-in contemporary and concise picture frame curve, on the colour and lustre is very exquisite, the charm of the show a kind of classical style. Small make up recommend you after a few glasses sunglasses factory, is a relatively high pretend bility, cheap and fine products, you may wish to consider when buying glasses to sunglasses factory FB0031 unisex eyeglass frame C01 bright black sunglasses factory product FB0016C1 black tungsten carbon box all big yards frames
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