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【 HongXu special clothing mirror 】 Tall waist skirt + glasses to wear a pure and fresh and the rocks

by:Eugenia     2020-08-24
Low waist jeans, though at the beginning of the century the rage, but now is the golden age of tall waist skirt. Whether long or short skirt of tall waist high waist, can well stretched his legs from the vision, in combination with fashion glasses sheet is tasted, time in early spring and pure and fresh the rocks. Style 1: full of design feeling shadow fabrics collocation stylish umbrella skirt version, delicate and stereo, restore ancient ways and wonderful, beautiful radian posed more foil A waist of A word long legs, so the effect of the modified shape is very good, again with A simple retro glasses, elegant, enough to deal with all kinds of formal occasions. Style 2: horizontal stripes bunt T-shirt corduroy skirt collocation, with short boots, cap and sunglasses, circular box is suitable for the Girls pursue independent personality. Style 3: super fairy a white veil, length is just right, for a small MM is to harness, have special dust veil is like concealed, and lavender purple coat collocation, sending out romantic feelings. Source: China glasses technology magazine
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