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how to bait an offset shank fishing hook

by:Eugenia     2020-07-16
Most anglers targeting fish such as bass will use the offset handle hook.
This hook has a 90 degree bend not far from the eye, and then a quick bend in the opposite direction.
The theory behind the offset handle hook is that when fishing in a heavy covering, soft plastic baits, such as lizards or worms, do not slide off the hook\'s shaft all the time.
Area near eyes--
Where is the top connection of the worm--
Prevent this from happening.
Description difficulty: medium find the most end of your plastic bait.
This will be the head of a bug. -
It is easy to identify because there will be a segmented area near it, which is more rounded than the tail.
The head of the plastic lizard bait is not difficult to identify, and the head of the plastic grub is not difficult to identify.
Firmly hold the offset handle fish hook between thumb and index finger around the offset area.
Close the bait to the head with another hand and push the hook point into the top of the head.
Push the hook out from the side of the plastic bait about 3/8 inch from where it first entered the bait.
Slide the pierced plastic bait all the way to the top of the hook, move it to the offset area and get as close as possible to the Hook\'s eyes.
The point of the rotary hook makes it now face the plastic bait.
Lift the bait up so that it hangs down from the Hook and the point is facing it.
Plug the point of the hook into the bait and insert the bait, but do not pass the hook through the other side of the bait.
The idea is to keep the tip of the hook in the soft body of the plastic, so that when you throw this presentation into the weeds and brushes, when you roll the bait in, nothing will get stuck.
Repeat these steps when fishing with plastic gru and plastic worms.
After each casting, make sure that the top of the bait is kept close to the eye and that there is no slip down the calf.
Despite the offset handle, keep pushing your bait through thick weeds and hard-biting fish and eventually pull the bait off your eyes.
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