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How to be take charge of web celebrity? GET a pair of sunglasses first!

by:Eugenia     2020-07-28
Don't know since when, web celebrity began to occupy the top of the app, or the birth of the app has created web celebrity. Especially in the microblog, Internet stir much more special, sina is ready to hold on May 30 'super net red day', the influence of the visible web celebrity is how much. So throw a problem: how to be take charge of web celebrity? In addition to opportunities, important than appearance, but the level, low level of appearance, how to improve? Don't be afraid to GET a pair of sunglasses first! Then let those who take charge of web celebrity take you rise up position. Is a web celebrity will open taobao, sandy lamb is the successful career in web celebrity. The two dress is a new stage, in the model figure is wearing a big box of this kind of reflective sunglasses, either toward or sexy young woman of style, can perfect hold, but also show face small oh! Wearing a baseball cap that go with what kind of sunglasses? If really want to is not good, not choose a joker's classic black frame glasses! Don't need any small details carefully machine, casual, instead more easily for the overall image add cent oh ~ is also a web celebrity, glance also wore sunglasses, tube aunt looks some relative international rocks, small make up that is likely to be hair and background. In short, wear a reflective sunglasses in the summer sun fine eyes, absolutely without the autodyne props in yo ~ in the Ike is a dark horse in the web celebrity! Guys remember before pupil makeup contest? Small make up remember at that time in the Ike sent a video, then his fans quantity is small, but forward the tens of thousands of, instantly become net red! Look, this is his pictures of a few days ago to send weibo, and I love sunglasses oh ~ see Ike in the usual video are very naughty, don't wear sunglasses so normal? Of course not, grotesque sunglasses is also his food! The finishing so much, it is time to recommend sunglasses! Sunglasses factory YC9708 general sunglasses C7 black box silver leg/lens ash the sunglasses and sandy lamb wear basic similar, its leg is fine, box type also very joker, and there are several kinds of colors to choose from! Hurriedly go poking links with ~
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