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How to identify sunglasses with money

by:Eugenia     2020-08-16
Guide language: the optical shop, or on the stalls in the streets to see various, all sorts of color of sunglasses. The general consumers in the choose and buy when the sun glasses, I don't know how to identify the seller's sunglasses can prevent ultraviolet light. So it is easy to buy inferior products.
the choose and buy sunglasses to see its lens quality, special attention should be paid to the sunglasses uv protection function. So, how to identify the function of sunglasses with and without uv protection?
expert says, is the main purpose of sunglasses antiglare chord light, uv radiation, in particular, in the summer protect eye health.
as a result, it is important to note that when buy lens and packaging on the presence of & # 8220; UV400” And the & # 8220; Uv protection & # 8221; Mark, at the same time to do the uv identification test.
simple identification method: take a one hundred - yuan renminbi notes in a fluorescent light zone, after turn on the light switch, the patterns of the yuan in light yellow, according to clear.
the sun glasses again at this time on the yuan, design for uv protection function will immediately disappear, this suggests that the sunglasses have the function of the rays. If the pattern in the reflex zone has not disappeared, suggesting the sunglasses without uv protection function, such as sunglasses is unqualified, can't buy.
epilogue: the choose and buy sunglasses to see its lens quality, special attention should be paid to the sunglasses uv protection function. It is important to note that when buy lens and packaging on the presence of & # 8220; UV400” And the & # 8220; Uv protection & # 8221; Mark, at the same time to do the uv identification test.
the article title: how to use the money to identify sunglasses feature

post: sunglasses glasses net factory
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