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Hu Xia gentleman style dress collocation black-rimmed glasses handsome have a type

by:Eugenia     2020-08-29
Takeaway: sunshine boy hu amoi shooting a group of black and white gentleman photo, plaid pants collocation lapel pullover, black-rimmed glasses covered face handsome have a type of affinity, sunshine handsome! Hu Xia, born on March 1, 1990 in guangxi zhuang autonomous region, nanning xixiang pond area, singer, actor. Hu Xia gentleman style dress collocation black-rimmed glasses handsome have a type 2010 super star avenue sixth championship debut in Taiwan, after the signing of Sony Music, the same year that releases the Hu Aixia, won the 17th Singapore hit awards for the album beautiful newcomer ', became the first woman to receive the award mainland male singers; In 2011 for the film 'in those years, together we chase after the girl singing the theme song' those years ', won the Hong Kong hold music awards ceremony music charts 'professional recommend hold 10' and second 'wants to my favorite music songs award', became the jay Chou, the second prize of mandarin singer, also with the songs in 48 Taiwan golden horse best original film song and beautiful song the 23rd Taiwan golden melody awards; 2012 starred in 'the sad fairy tale,' into the film, the same year issued album 'light', in March, a list of the first week of the airborne G personal first concert 'let I love you', on April 12th music wind and cloud annual awards plus a list of new artist; Issue 2013 album fool tango, gains the mainland 11 music charts. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
related: glasses black-rimmed glasses
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