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JDG black leather black frog mirror smartly

by:Eugenia     2020-08-29
Recently, the south Korean movie star zhang dongjian suffers in white collar T-shirt wearing black leather, wearing black frog mirror at the same time, the handsome, as usual, aggressive, very stylish, appearance in public. JDG black leather black frog mirror smartly JDG JDG, South Korea famous actor, top hallyu star. His TV series 'fall in love with anchorwoman and director Chen kaige's film' the promise 'for a Chinese audience. JDG in 1992 to participate in the MBC TV no actor training career. Since the debut show a number of film and television works, and with the TV series 'project runway', eve's attraction is popular all over Asia. 2004 film 'tai chi flag flying' won the south Korean dragon award for best actor, this also makes him a dragon awards for ever actor class, all the first grand slam. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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