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Jessica own BLANC sunglasses brand cooperation with pu yi glasses into Hong Kong

by:Eugenia     2020-08-28
Girlhood Jessica crossover BlANC change President embracing under its own brand name fashion, multi-party cooperation on track into the Chinese market Jessica BlANC and multilateral cooperation on the right track, under its own brand name products sales. Brand fashionable shrine in Hong Kong location is better choice, allows you to use alipay platform open the mainland market, with major high-end department cooperation, business acumen, gained good reputation among the industry. BLANC's official twitter account confirmed that pay treasure ( Alipay) The opening of the. 4, BLANC official announced in early October start based relationship with the lane crawford, 5, and announced the opening unionpay ( Not PayPal) Another method of payment. Today has added a new partner Puyi Optical ( Pu yi) And Glasstique starting at the same time in 10 months. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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