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L in bud silk shirt wear sunglasses in the airport encounter JiKeJuan escape

by:Eugenia     2020-08-27
L recently appeared in the airport, black bud silk shirt with jeans, noble charm, unlike previous pure image. Black lace is sending out mysterious aura, won't appear sweet greasy, let wear take more able to bear or endure look. Cool sunglasses appearance much a few minutes. L in bud silk shirt wear sunglasses in the airport encounter JiKeJuan escape black chiffon blouse, sleeves with lace gauze, thin chiffon material for more elegant temperament, wave point of lace splicing sleeves will bring people back palace romantic, if a hazy artistic conception, printing of tall waist skirt collocation, full of urban classical means. L the collocation of a change before the fairy elder sister dress, but the overall shape is OK. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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