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Li xiang night sun take mental lenses is dressed up

by:Eugenia     2020-08-24
Recently, li xiang returned from vacation from the United States will soon be back into the work, and at night stick out photos sighs: I also work in guangzhou, what are you doing? Has the li xiang motherhood has shown you couldn't see through the years trace, long eyelashes with lenses to dress up for the spirit. Li xiang career not only hugely increased, the family is happy. The queen love ShiLing since attend 'where dad' also became a little busy people, travel to develop their own 'career', and recently departed for watch the Paris fashion week in Paris. For the daughter to Paris fashion, li xiang happy on weibo fact to 'Angela was, in retrospect, when my husband and I spent our honeymoon at Paris, chick and Paris is decree by destiny, oh. ”。
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