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Li xiang sunglasses block surface, miniskirt thick legs now

by:Eugenia     2020-08-11
As to meet the 90th anniversary of the founding, han sanping again as the blockbuster 'the beginning of the great cause' from the beginning of the preparation is a major concern. On March 15, han sanping with director huang jianxin low-key appearance in changsha, accompanied by mango pictures, old total, host li xiang visited j, yuelu academy, love late pavilion and hunan first normal leaves footprints of MAO zedong's growth locations for data collection. Reported that 'the beginning of the great cause' the plot will revolve around before and after 1921, among them a story about a youth MAO zedong will become a common thread, han sanping's trip is to look for some of those historical details. In addition, sohu entertainment to li xiang at the helm of the mango pictures will be 'the beginning of the cause of one of the main investors, this is li xiang's a big move. ( Deng Juncheng/word figure)
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