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LINDBERG Lindbergh sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-14
On May 15, 2011, '2011 china-eu youth exchange' kingdom of Denmark embassy in Beijing held a grand and grand opening ceremony, strengthen our friendship and cooperation for a better began. At the opening ceremony, many pure Danish brand provides the group with an impressive display, including the Danish crown royal brand of top class glasses LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) 14 the sun glasses from fashion show very give prize. Show on the stage, no matter how face skin color model, LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) Sunglasses are good design shows the unique charm of everyone, as LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) Upholds the concept: in stressed glasses technology and comfort at the same time, 'you should see not frame, but in the face. It is worth mentioning that LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) Every pair of sunglasses with the expensive German Zeiss lenses, and exquisite plating the exclusive blue film, keep the eyes comfortable in the hot sun. Because of LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) The quality and design is always distinguished, many of the world such as bill celebrities, sports stars, and members of the royal family? Gates, murdoch, soros, Steven spielberg, murdoch, Denmark's queen Margrethe ii, Denmark princess Mary Elizabeth, such as li ka-shing is LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) Loyal fans. As LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) Global marketing director Mr Peter Warrer says: grade people don't usually put a gorgeous decoration on the face, choose LINDBERG ( Lindbergh) More represents a low-key philosophy. According to the survey of the related international organizations, Denmark is one of the happiness index is high country in the world. The Danish design, diet and lifestyle. Denmark is known for its functional design, improve people's quality of life by using the method of innovation. In addition to rich in beautiful fairy tales, aromatic cookies, danes also provides the world with a unique way to express themselves. '2011 china-eu youth exchange' is the first time the Chinese government and the European Union collaboration youth exchange activities, believe that through this activity will further strengthen the exchanges to promote China and the European youth
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