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Moet &chandon and Mosley Tribes sunglasses cross-border cooperation

by:Eugenia     2020-08-01
More famous champagne has a lot of, but everyone acquaint with of moet &chandon is probably illegal countries. Many stars and celebrities are its fans, not long ago, champagne was also has carried on the cross-border cooperation and sunglasses, let's take a look at. Moet &chandon ( 酩悦轩尼诗 Chandon) Introduced its with sunglasses manufacturers Mosley Tribes of cross-border cooperation limited edition Moet& Currently x Mosley Tribes rose sun glasses. The sun glasses in adhering to the Moet& Currently above the unique characteristic of the sun glasses, increased according to indoor and outdoor light automatically adjust the function of the lens effect. Mosley Tribes of sunglasses? Mosley Tribes is the famous American fashion brand, fashion brand of sunglasses, is one of the most favorite glasses brand many American star. Its every glasses to express the life style and cool feeling, in combination with different ethnic style, make each Mosley Tribes glasses is to reveal the essence of the brand and product concept. Mosley Tribes glasses since its establishment, long street brand Stussy cooperation with the United States, in the former side launched a few list items, was deeply loved by the masses. Feeling of restoring ancient ways adopted by the mineral glass lenses, and made in acetate anti-perspiration material printed on the picture frame Kate Gibb drawn in the 80 s, 'TOM TOM' pattern. That Mosley Tribes glasses, both expressed the brand's classic style, and reveals the emotional charm of modern city. Moet &chandon? Legend, has 'the father of wine,' said the saint Benedict friar when - Mr Lyons ( Dom Perignon) Invented the champagne, the founder of Moet brewery Claude Moet have also begun to try making, finally after a successful winery was established in 1743. At first, the winery has been tepid, but it was not until his grandson, Jean - Remy Moet after operation, to make the Moet this brand is famous for its brand gradually. However, establishes the status of moet &chandon did napoleon himself. Because Moet family and personal relationship is very good, therefore napoleon preferred to its, and eventually to become the only champagne. From 1805 to 1841, Moet become Europe's most famous winery and its customer list contains queen Victoria, Prussia, the prince and the duke of Cambridge and other members of the royal family name. In addition to the effect of the royal family, champagne unique geological and climate condition, also provide the best material for moet & chandon champagne, and precision brewing process of heritage in one hundred, makes the taste of moet &chandon is always keep the top level. Nowadays, moet &chandon has grape plantation area of 664 hectares, annual production of more than 18 million bottles. In addition to the demanding in terms of quality, moet &chandon and start creating your own 'fashion' label. In addition to sponsor four big fashion week, moet has also established special fashion awards, contributed a great deal to encourage designer. Like a punk godmother Vivienne Westwood, has won the award. Nowadays, moet become a member of the world's biggest luxury group LVMH and hennessy Louis vuitton and its three core brands. Such outstanding, the fusion produce sunglasses must be worth having. The above information from the sunglasses factory small make up finishing editing, knowledge more glasses to sunglasses factory, please view glasses net. Website: https://www. yichao。 Cn /
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