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Moncler released 2016 autumn sun glasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-07
French luxury outdoor brand Moncler has released a new autumn sun glasses series, in order to reduce the autumn sunshine and harsh weather for glasses. This series back in addition to the traditional round and square glasses, also includes a side with a leather fabrics shields glasses design, the modelling has blend in avant-courier and function together, with ivory white, deep blue, bright color such as black to choose from. Au lai ( Moncler) Headquartered in Grenoble, France is a famous brand specializing in the production of outdoor sports equipment. Moncler brand name from the town is the abbreviation of Monestier DE Clermon. Moncler story began during the second world war, the brand has a legendary history, today, Moncler down jacket in the outdoor industry, become a leading international high-end brands.
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