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Most people awareness of sunglasses brand indifference

by:Eugenia     2020-08-15
Guide language: in sunglasses brand concept doesn't seem to be too much. Sunglasses on the market, in addition to the tyrannosaurus rex, ray-ban and so on a few very limited outside the well-known brands, the other is mostly such as armani, D& G, chanel, LV, such a premium brand.
the sunglasses, many suspected escape not handsome put cool. Whether people are willing to spend on this fashion item? People value its adornment more attributes? Or practical properties? We to 50 readers conducted an investigation.
more important to men than women style
in the survey, we respectively to 25 male and 25 female handed out questionnaires to their 18) years of age - 45 years old, is currently the sunglasses of mainstream consumer groups.
tended to be more emotional than men, women in the consumer that is our consistent consensus. However, according to the survey, in the choose and buy sunglasses, women showed more rational than men. The & # 8220; What you focus on sunglasses & # 8221; Multiple choice, 25 women have 16 people chose the & # 8220; Material & # 8221; , 12 people chose the & # 8220; Modelling the & # 8221; , 7 people chose the & # 8220; Price & # 8221; , 7 people chose the & # 8220; Brand & # 8221; 。 While male respondents, only four people chose the & # 8220; Material & # 8221; And the nineteen people chose the & # 8220; Modelling the & # 8221; 。
so, for the adornment action of the sunglasses, men more than women. There is a big part of the reason lies in the fact that women tend to want sunglasses can help them achieve prevent bask in, so pay more attention to the lens material.

brand concept is very fuzzy and other consumer goods, people for sunglasses brand concept doesn't seem to be too much. Sunglasses on the market, in addition to the tyrannosaurus rex, ray-ban and so on a few very limited outside the well-known brands, the other is mostly such as armani, D& G, chanel, LV, such a premium brand.
the consumption level of the brand is not much, most respondents said, don't know what he's with sunglasses are brand. In the survey, about the & # 8220; What is your currently in use sunglasses brand & # 8221; This problem, only 12 respondents clearly write in with sunglasses brand, and the remaining 38 people, chose the & # 8220; Not clear & # 8221; 。
it is because of the weak brand awareness, professional optician or mall is not better choice most people buy sunglasses. 50 respondents, a total of 19 people are said to be in the store and store the choose and buy sunglasses, and another 17 people chose the & # 8220; Online shopping & # 8221; , 14 people chose the & # 8220; Fashion shops & # 8221; 。
consumption level should
in the survey we found that the respondents for spending on sunglasses, attitude presents the trend of polarization. In the problem: the & # 8220; Are you willing to spend how many money to buy the sunglasses & # 8221; , 6 people chose the & # 8220; 2000 yuan of above & # 8221; , 6 people choose the & # 8220; 1000 yuan, 2000 yuan & # 8221; 2, choose the & # 8220; 500 yuan, 1000 yuan & # 8221; , 5 people chose the & # 8220; 300 yuan, 500 yuan & # 8221; , 13 people chose the & # 8220; 100 yuan, 300 yuan & # 8221; , 18 people chose the & # 8220; 100 yuan the following & # 8221; 。
it seems that the 12 respondents are willing to pay for the sunglasses of one thousand yuan of above, accounted for 24% of the total ratio; And 31 people only want to buy the price is in 300 yuan of the following sunglasses, accounted for 62% of the total ratio; In the middle of 300 yuan to 1000 yuan of the interval, select the number of only 14%. Consumption of sunglasses for people, or willing to pour, or simply can save a province, middle-grade sunglasses are not popular.
now the color of the sunglasses lenses is multifarious. In general, good choice in summer brown or dark brown lens. On the one hand, because of these two kinds of color lens, the light and ultraviolet light absorbing and filtering effect is better; On the other hand is because the brown lenses can provide better perceptual color vision, can clearly distinguish colors, after wearing the dark brown lenses to help us in the dazzling sunlight can see small part of the object, so in when driving, wearing sunglasses fit. It's light brown.

epilogue: sunglasses can be flexed formative fashion sheet is tasted, but it's role in protecting glasses, when we choose is to have cultured.
the article title: the majority of sunglasses brand consciousness of
post: glasses sunglasses factory network
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