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Oakley, spokesman for the world badminton champion in Hong Kong

by:Eugenia     2020-08-29
Takeaway: LensCrafters bright point on November 17 invited to Oakley spokesperson - World badminton champion Lin Dan's visit to Hong Kong, in the brand of the ophthalmology optometry center in K11 to show the design and endorsement to media Oakley lack Pitch glasses, and share the importance of exclusive glasses and eye. To many international top fashion glasses brand LensCrafters bright point of view, has been committed to the professional need to caress the love to each pair of eyes, in November 17 Oakley mouthpiece of invited World badminton champion Lin Dan's visit to Hong Kong, in the brand of the ophthalmology optometry center in K11 to show the design and endorsement to media Oakley lack Pitch glasses, and share the importance of exclusive glasses and eye. On the activity, Lin brought their own design Oakley lack limited signature Pitch glasses, successfully into the unique Active energy series brand philosophy, at the same time in the diversified needs of give attention to two or morethings, send out more fashion sense; Oakley lack Pitch glasses injected several unique design elements, reflected the Lin's personal will and style, the iconic red and black color, for example, shows his passion and calm, eye-catching red five-star represented his grand slam of the glorious success, coupled with the deduction of him on the spot to cool, one thinks of 'super Dan' another cross-border attempt to model! Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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