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Owned and tour DE France riders with sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-11
The Oakley co. , LTD. , issued on July 26, used in the 2010 tour DE France cycling race product customization of the glasses, the tour DE France cyclists will be wearing these performance excellence custom sunglasses, first to wear a symbol of the grade of yellow LingQiShan. According to the custom of Oakley, tour fans can also create a support with the player's bracelet is near the sun glasses.

“ We meet the world's best cyclists demand for visual technology ceaselessly. At the same time, we invite them to design their own sunglasses, so that everyone can add their favorite parts and elements. ” Oakley, chief executive of colin * baden said, & # 8220; Oakley Radar and Jawbone series is the world's top rider drool, this also reflected the Oakley's mission and its contribution to - — The sun glasses make better performance and excellent protection.

Oakley Radar and Jawbone series make riders showed better competitive level in the game, players can choose different colors make glasses better play its functions in different environments. Radar series is monolithic movement goggles and Jawbone were designed into two type of glasses. The basic characteristics of these detachable replacement lenses is having HDO? High definition and Oakley resistance to water and thin oil technology, which can prevent the mirror appear the phenomenon of water while maintaining the fouling resistance function. Unique bridge of the nose card pad replacement design structure, make the replacement suits own bridge of the nose of the wearer's convenient card pad; Using Unobtainium technical card of the rod lens and the bridge of the nose pad, can let the glasses when sweat good to keep fit. Radar and the Jawbone series of lenses have excellent shock protection ability, able to filter out 100% all wavelengths of ultraviolet light.
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