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'Police story' thanks will chan reminiscing about Sir Run run

by:Eugenia     2020-08-23
Directed by Ding Sheng, Jackie chan, liu ye, sweet starred in 3 d scene crime suspense movies since the police story 2013 on Christmas Eve, at 4. 500 million, become the king of the gangster film. In the film as a new file an action movie, Jackie chan eldest brother handed over a satisfactory result. A few days ago, the crew was held to celebrate the box office in Beijing thanks will. Thanks will on the same day, Jackie chan eldest brother to a tough guy image, with a black frame glasses look the rocks, referring to the Hong Kong entertainment mogul run run shaw died, Jackie recall with Sir Run run old man, young and revealed in his more than 20 years old when he shao old man driving a rolls Royce, said to him one day you can afford. Today, Jackie chan eldest brother a and a large had word of shao old man is verified. At the same time, Jackie chan to shao old gentleman to cultivate a batch of famous film arena admiration. In the appreciation of the day, the crew of 'police story 2013' box office was satisfied, Jacky cheung also said: want to 'police story' can always continue, cast and other members of the meet to continue filming 'police story' sequel, the heroine scene sweet also hope to be able to with Jackie chan eldest brother plays in the sequel, and in their own to save Jackie chan eldest brother.
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