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Puyi glasses Reflections pioneering concept of women's wear glasses shop

by:Eugenia     2020-08-29
Puyi group in Hong Kong and China's high-end glasses retail, strength,'s store had gathered the world-class brand, excellence service level, the image is unique, is a handful of store brand in the industry. Puyi group to develop high-end glasses market, actively looking for the best brand, unique in the world, alternative style, rich fashionable grade glasses shown in front of the customer. Puyi group, break traditional glasses chain, introducing a new concept of 'shop' business model, using the fresh ideas to customers. In addition, the group also created their own glasses brand, in order to cater to the be fond of of different guests. Recently, the Reflections puyi pioneering concept of women's wear glasses shop. Puyi glasses Reflections pioneering concept of women's wear glasses shop in private garden, for the source of inspiration, pu yi is glasses be creative interpretation of the concept of women's fashion dacheng, puyi glasses this time at Beijing shin kong heaven and earth to open the first concept of women's wear glasses shop Reflections, specially tailor-made for ladies, the grade of looking for his glasses. Into the Reflections is like a stroll in the garden, open shop design and the mirror of the roof structure build a bright and cheerful atmosphere, golden tone let whole shops in the warmth of sunshine in the afternoon. Plants and flower buds are showing a strong sense of luxury and feminine, let a person cannot help to stop here. Reflections to let his ego life attitude of women in the search for self necessary for the bottom of my heart, the products of choose perfect match your personality. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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