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Queer wu wear GENTLE MONSTER limited sunglasses handsome aggressive

by:Eugenia     2020-08-04
Recently, wu queer appeared some brand endorsement activities in Hong Kong, a tide dressed wear GENTLE MONSTER Big leant limited rose gold sunglass, appearance, handsome and aggressive. Item recommendation: BIG leant limited rose gold sunglass, metallic pink mirror slice of collocation, by the exquisite technology to create perfect accessories. Glasses inspired by traditional Boeing sunglasses for this series, into the fashion line design, flyer frames a perfect fusion of novel elliptical lens and continuation of the classic, unique temperament. This sunglasses in GENTLE MONSTER is getting ready for the opening of the Shanghai flagship store limited sale, address: no. 798 huaihai road, please look! Pictures from the network/personal blog, if you need to remove please contact
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