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Ray - Zhang Ningjiang wear Tothe Ban aviator sunglasses all show ecru

by:Eugenia     2020-09-01
Takeaway: Zhang Ningjiang subversion on the silver screen students temperament, perfect leng jun fan metrosexual fashion charm. Fur clothing collocation Ray - Ban aviator sunglasses, handsome it, cool. Ray - Zhang Ningjiang wear Tothe Ban aviator sunglasses all show ecru ray-ban aviator sunglasses Zhang Ningjiang when I started out with health, sun's image appeared in front of an audience, late, has been dubbed the 'hale and hearty niche' title, it is not only due to the change of physical, also have successful acting breakthrough. Character from the 'serial number' resolute scar commissar, the waist in the 'if have no you, again to the bottom of the JiuHe into the sea as a worm, Zhang Ningjiang also transformation on step by step to realize their acting skills, constantly trying various roles, Zhang Ningjiang honed his acting, shows his multifaceted acting. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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