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Running man Victoria song demonstration goddess fashion sunglasses for you makeup look

by:Eugenia     2020-07-30
The strong sunshine in the summer to sister provides a fashion goddess necessary weapon, that's sunglasses. Even if there is no special care on clothes, put on a pair of sunglasses will be idol stars aura seemed to be enough to fully play out. But, don't you need not make up with the sunglasses? — — Of course not! Running man look at South Korea's famous actress, Victoria song sunglasses makeup look you will know that fashion goddess is not so easy to when! With the sunglasses also note makeup look! It, from the above two groups both light make-up and make-up, wearing dark glasses always make up, so as to appear yourself look good, to their own stylish and goddess temperament to the limit! So how do we make a perfect sunglasses makeup? STEP 1 foil the immaculate skin popular sunglasses sunglasses fit basically is given priority to with all black, if you want to foil a sunglasses fashion sense of the need to have perfect, white skin. Most people wrongly choose also use thick bottom makeup will cover facial defects, and make skin present a human is not naturally white, so wear sunglasses not only will feel more natural. Therefore, make sunglasses when beauty makeup suggested bottom makeup to light. In order to let the wear sunglasses skin more luster, flawless, it is recommended to apply before makeup mask. After playing with thin bottom makeup, but when there is no skin have obvious flaws is covered with thin bottom makeup, suggest another use concealer to cover them. Ms sunglasses factory YC9703 sunglasses C3 black/dazzle colour blue STEP 2 sunglasses beauty makeup eyebrow to go on a pair of dark glasses though covered half of the face, but always leak outside the eyebrows, delicate eyebrows became a top priority at this moment. The shape of the eyebrows and their best face matching, a word, meteor eyebrow eyebrow is a better choice ~ but also want to consider the shape of sunglasses. STEP 3 sunglasses beauty makeup eye makeup can not careless most people think, since put on the sunglasses you don't need to change the eye makeup. However, the whole process is always out will need to pick sunglasses, so it is critical that the eye makeup. Dark glasses eye makeup in the fashion suggested that as far as possible thin, can present a seemingly non-inductive is the best. This time can decisively omit eyeliner, with plentiful eyelash make-up instead. Before put on mascara, it is suggested that the first to use eyelash clip eyelash clip adequately into 'C' before using light brown eye shadow let eye makeup more deep, and then carefully daub eyelash to cream. In order to make eye makeup is not easily dizzy makeup in the hot summer, it is recommended to use waterproof products. Ray-ban RB4242 unisex eyeglass frame 6201/13 brown STEP 4 in the labial makeup is the makeup dot bright spot in the summer to build labial makeup suggest choose bright-coloured color, not only can more foil a flawless, white skin, can make more beautiful makeup doesn't show drab. Labial makeup product use method also can create different atmosphere completely different makeup look. If want to fully embody the female charm suggest use lip makeup pen to detailed sketch the lip line, then use dye liquid lip carefully fill the mouth. If want to make a small and pure and fresh image is proposed to use labial makeup is tasted a concentration in the center of the lips internal recycle stomach gently dizzy catch outward from the can.
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