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SAN bao sunglasses probably how many money?

by:Eugenia     2020-08-08
SAN bao sunglasses as a domestic sunglasses at the top of a brand, the design of novel not only has to keep pace with The Times, its price is very reasonable, the small make up to introduce a few SAN bao sunglasses. Polarized sunglasses for driving people, protect st this one using the classic aviator sunglasses styles, whether young or middle-aged people can handle. This type of sunglasses price in 300 yuan. The SAN bao sunglass frames used alloy material, high toughness, not easy fracture, deformation can also be restored. Jellyfish nose nasal bracket is used to imitate biological structures, hollow silica gel to release the pressure of the bridge of the nose. This sunglasses price in 500 yuan. Cartoon design with beautiful beautiful colour, such a sunglasses are well suited for energetic child. Picture frame with TPR new materials, softer, more slippery, more comfortable on the skin contact, but also prevent allergies. The price of this kind of sunglasses at around 200.
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