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See 'Jin Xiaomei' how to play various sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-31
Takeaway: to say the present hot fashion reds Kendall jenna ( 肯德尔Jenner) Absolute list, as being more and more big, 'Jin Xiaomei' dress sense is also rising, but let a person worthy of attention is in the selection and collocation of shoes. While sunglasses is an essential part of her fashion and equipment, with small make up today to see how she play various sunglasses! ! ! ! See 'Jin Xiaomei' how to play various sunglasses: cat's eye dark brown sunglasses look 'Jin Xiaomei' how to play various sunglasses: pilot sunglasses see how 'Jin Xiaomei' embracing all kinds sunglass: big frame sunglasses not exaggerated bags rob mirror, basically give priority to with concise and easy, balenciaga ( Balenciaga) Motorcycle kits, celine ( 席琳) Wall face pack is often, she back down the street, and shoes is given priority to with flat bottom is short boots or shoes, while sunglasses is an essential part of her fashion, so ground maneuver without affectation of tie-in way no wonder will be more and more people love. Pictures from Internet posters fashion website, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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