
High quality product, professional service, being the core supplier in sunglasses industry!

Send her sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-13
Send her fashion sunglasses since founded in 1992, has been following a romantic European style, fusion of fashion, delicate, comfortable, durable, and many other elements, selects the high quality lenses and frames is qualitative, pay attention to the characteristics of the east, improve glasses wearing comfort, leading the domestic sunglasses fashion agitation, sets up the fashion and elegant brand image, always occupy a higher market share, become one of the few domestic famous brand sunglasses.
PARIM sent li meng brand history
since 1992, after years of efforts and development, has become the domestic well-known brands, praised by the people of consumers favor and recognition.
send li meng brand sunglasses was born 1992 to 1993, sold in major cities, the sales network has been throughout the country.
send li won the first honor, in 1995 Beijing & # 8220; Quality tour & # 8221; Activity was named the & # 8220; Consumer trustworthy product & # 8221; 。
from 2004 to 2006, invited Chinese professional model contest champion wears tea for one shot explain brand image advertising, at the same time opened a brand website, and get the & # 8220; Fujian province famous brand products & # 8221; The title.
in 2010 sent her fashion sunglasses 18th anniversary celebration.
send li meng features: adopts EYEPOL ( Epps) TAC polarized piece, especially color polariscope.
design style: mature, elegant and comfortable.
recommended crowd: sedate, full of charm of men's fashion and elegant, full of personal temperament of women, especially suitable for introduced to male and female drivers to wear.
the world fashion sent li meng
Prague & # 8220; Golden city & # 8221; The laudatory name, has a large number of buildings of different styles in different historical periods, each building at the top of the color change is very gorgeous ( Red tile yellow wall) As one of the beautiful cities in Europe. Send li meng fashion focus - this year Prague, a city full of fantasy flowery colour, is the embodiment of beauty and romance, a person in the city you will not rotate dance, and in the wishing well cast a good wish, send this year is beautiful mask design style will be the pride of the city color and romance in new feet on the design and color of the mirror, apply colours to a drawing gives the new fashion taste and unique style.
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