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【 Small glasses sunglasses factory knowledge 】 Sunglasses test methods and standards ( A)

by:Eugenia     2020-08-03
K: sunglasses sunglasses material is a kind of to prevent sunlight intense stimulation to the human eye damage eyesight protection products, is also a kind of fashion or special decorations that reflects individual style more. Recommended reading: 【 Glasses sunglasses factory small common sense 】 The selection of men's sunglasses at https://www. yichao。 cn/article- 29280. HTML sunglasses make people keen on protective and decorative effects, but due to the direct impact on the personal safety when using, its high quality and special. Quality inspection rules a pair of sunglasses in the strong sunshine outdoor play an important role, qualified sunglasses should have a test report of sunglasses. Can judge the merits of the sunglasses from two aspects of quality and aesthetic. Aesthetic personal factors, the quality is a certain standard. The quality of the sunglasses mainly refers to the quality of the lens. The world's general standard for the U. S. food and drug inspection bureau ( F·D·A) Standard. 1, according to the f. d. a. standard, the lens in the protection of light transmittance, to filter out more than 90% of the ultraviolet ray in sunshine, the lens should be posted 'UV - 100 protct10n 'label, when 100% filter out ultraviolet light, should be posted' UV - 400 protct10n 'label, so check the lens on the UV label is quite important. 2, the lens can't have optical lenses to some 'degree'. If the diopter of more than 15% commonly, wear will feel dizzy. 3, the lenses must have high strength and impact resistance test. In general, plastic ( Or cellulose acetate propionate) , resin, glass strength from small to large. How to pick out the suitable sunglasses? Often cyclist had better wear sunglasses resin piece; Sports wear frame radian larger sports sunglasses or adding a belt, chain; Nearsightedness or farsightedness, can wear the sun glasses clip or wearing special optical sunglasses. Age season, choose frame color and lens shallow, sedate sunglasses; Selected frames are more gorgeous color, winter snow sports sunglasses to them membrane, winter selection box shape slightly bigger sunglasses to wind. A pair of sunglasses may be because the brand, material, packaging, style, color and publicity of difference but the price is very luck, consumers should fully consider the manufacturing cost, sales and service. Twenty or thirty yuan sunglasses, its quality often cannot be guaranteed. To large glasses brand shop or glasses shopping malls counters to choose and buy, can generally make the products in such aspects as quality inspection, all relatived inspections to get a good guarantee. Page description: twenty or thirty yuan sunglasses, its quality often cannot be guaranteed. To large glasses brand shop or glasses shopping malls counters to choose and buy, can generally make the products in such aspects as quality inspection, all relatived inspections to get a good guarantee.
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