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Small song jia fashionable sunglasses street snap

by:Eugenia     2020-08-28
Takeaway: small song jia exposure to a new set of street snap, big show slender legs, tight leather pants which outline her a pair of beautiful leg, tidal rocks. Printed suit, and early autumn wear fashion show in the trend. Small song jia fashionable sunglasses street snap, song jia was born on November 13, 1980 in nangang district of Harbin in heilongjiang province, graduated from Shanghai theater academy performance, Chinese actress, with the same name of predecessors actress song jia, so many media called 'small song jia'. Song jia 2006 movie 'curiosity killed the cat' emergence, and thus won the 26th China golden rooster best supporting actress nomination. In 2012, the 18th song jia in Shanghai TV festival with good TV actress award went to the cliff and the 9th China golden eagle TV festival 'better performing arts actress award'; 2013 starring film 'xiao hong' won the 29th China golden rooster 'beautiful actress', the 9th China film festival gold angel awards for 'best actress'. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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