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Spring breeze miles than you wore dark glasses

by:Eugenia     2020-07-25
If the body, only allow you to wear a accessories, so I will not hesitate choose sunglasses! What is the existence of the sunglasses? A picture to tell you: don't wear sunglasses, a ginger is Gary Han Guowang strong Rap prince wore sunglasses is South Korea. 。 。 For men, the girls are as the existence of god. Even without makeup, a pair of sunglasses + red lip, can perfect the street. I said fan bingbing is hot style make you there should be no doubt, is this a beat, South Korea's fire in the Gentel Monster, amway is a big help, including star of all. 。 。 In fact also including me! Swagger of the fan bingbing this pair of out of print, rick owens, is fully consolidated its in fashion 'ye' generational ~ out of print, not want to buy can buy, can hold more not to hold, so pompous, less domineering leakage simply can't afford to stay. Frame of the golden point let Karen Walker with ultra high identification. Classic round box, or geometric thick box, with a second golden arrow brim up ~ American actress almost out of the street is wearing such a pair of Karen Walker. Of course, how can after missing your kiss the husband! Beret + camouflage + aviator sunglasses, 'hey, 120, a lot of people here have been handsome passed out. 。 。 'Wuli queer brother has been a well-deserved fashion icon. The little 'v' logo under the guidance of his one has become synonymous with 'fashionable'. Here must be under the 'v' amway, Korean brands Gentel Monster, not only suitable for Asian face, approachable price let people like. NiNi will dress who all know, a pair of sunglasses to block the sun yan also block not so beauty! This pair of DIOR SO REAL you know I know heaven knows earth knows how fire. 。 。 Living into a pair of hand posture almost crashed sunglasses high probability that a ~ Cara near the street wearing a brand of sunglasses, deputy can't name them secretly stole a steak, except small bump sample, the price also is to let person is very happy!
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