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Star to be bestowed favor on newly Gentle Monster Big leant limited sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-03
Summer most the item - IN - Sunglasses, make you fashionable throughout the summer. With sunglasses, fashion the essence of luxury, regardless of the autodyne, street snap, posed with modelling, anytime and anywhere is wanton play handsome. And this summer's hottest sunglasses, not the GENTLE MONSTER. GENTLE MONSTER from South Korea, with bold design style, creativity unique design concept, make its wearer can reveal personality, style and unique self show incisively and vividly. Since 2015, when the GENTLE MONSTER Big leant series sunglasses, once listed will be the love of consumers around the world. Glasses inspired by traditional Boeing sunglasses for this series, into the fashion line design, flyer frames a perfect fusion of novel elliptical lens and continuation of the classic, highlight the unique temperament. Ji chang wook had to celebrate the brand's flagship store in the greater China region for the first time, GENTLE MONSTER also specially designed for Big leant limited rose gold sunglass, immediately swept across the fashion world. GENTLE MONSTER flagship store in Beijing sanlitun swire, limited sales of Big leant star with the glasses in the opening two weeks all sold out. Also became one of li yi feng, Yang Yang, running man, ji chang wook, yellow column, SAN SAN yuan, song jia, guri na, ziwen wang and other domestic and international numerous star this summer must-have item of the street. Big leant limited rose gold sunglass, metallic pink mirror slice of collocation, by the exquisite technology to create perfect accessories. ( 约合人民币1790元) To domestic and foreign each Big star street snap collection: yellow to Yang Yang, a column of li yi feng Song Jiasong intelligence filial piety in addition, the long-awaited GENTLE MONSTER Shanghai flagship store will open in August, when the Big leant limited rose gold sunglass will break into the magic are sold for the first time, has always been in a unique product design and flagship store experience, to convey brand original vision of GENTLE MONSTER, uphold the originality, the plane art, this time again will be through the Shanghai flagship store to bring what kind of surprise? Please look! This article from YOKA fashion website, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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