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Sun hong2 lei2 ink covered face emerged a mall jewelry store

by:Eugenia     2020-08-28
Recently, the reporter in the near Beijing, a high-end jewelry store, encounter sun hong2 lei2 and his girlfriend, two people rarely appear together, it seems is a good thing nearly. Sun hong2 lei2 ink super covered face appeared in a mall near sun hong2 lei2 drive to China trade jewelry store the day, get off after two people down in tandem to distance. Sun hong2 lei2 black face, upper body wearing colorful waterproof clothing, tough guy screen instantly become wet. Tall, wear a flower skirt and beside his girlfriend her hair and pure and fresh temperament. Two people came to the gate of a jewelry store, his girlfriend first, after the sun hong2 lei2 is very careful observation into the shop, on its own. Sun hong2 lei2 ink super covered face appeared in a mall jewelry store two people carefully selected at display stand, see and communicate with the clerk, sun hong2 lei2 also scrutinize style, from time to time and pick out a few let girlfriend try, from the size and the design point of view, should be valuable. Two people very seriously listen to the shop assistant recommend, when does not close communication is very happy. Selected nearly 10 minutes after two people into the store on the second floor to continue shopping. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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