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Sunglasses color knowledge

by:Eugenia     2020-08-11
the color of the color of the lens in light grey or light smoked for good, because it is pure color. Followed by green, amber, blue or yellow. Only suitable for work in the special use red, dark lenses, suitable for sunbathing or in the snow.
according to the Illinois state blindness prevention and control of the union declared: choose the sun glasses good smoke gray and green color, these color sunglasses will affect the sensitivity of the color to low limit. Wear pink, yellow, orange, red, and violet sun glasses, can lead to eye fatigue, under the strong sunlight will because of tired and make the blurriness. Due to the claim that many plane and car drivers started to switch to smoke gray and green sun glasses.
1, the color of the lens types and their characteristics of
( 1) Grey piece: grey lens for any chromatography can balance absorption, so watch the scenery will only dim, but do not have clear off color, show your natural feeling. Belongs to a neutral color.
( 2) Dark brown lens filter out a lot of blue light, which can improve visual contrast and clarity, under the condition of air pollution to punish or foggy wearing effect is better.
( 3) Green lens in absorb light at the same time, the big eye increase to reach the green light, so there is the feeling of cool and comfortable, suitable for use eye fatigue.
( 4) Blue grey lens and gray lenses are similar, are of neutral glass, but darker, visible light absorption rate is higher.
( 5) Mercury lens lens surface using high density mirror coating. This lens more absorption into the reflection of visible light, suitable for outdoor sports.
( 6) Yellow lenses, strictly speaking, this kind of lens does not belong to the sun glasses, because it almost does not reduce the visible light, but in the foggy and at dusk, the yellow lenses can improve contrast, provide more accurate video, so also known as the night vision goggles. Some young people wear yellow lenses & # 8220; Sunglasses & # 8221; Used as decoration.
( 7) Shallow blue, shallow pink lens is also more decorative than practical lenses.
2, the color of the lens shades
lens color depth is only for visible light absorption performance, has nothing to do with uv resistance, because uv to visible light, ultraviolet resistance depends on the lens material, rather than the color depth, some resin colorless, transparent, but still 100% uv radiation.
some sunglasses for gradual color resin lenses, the deep shallow, until almost colorless, such sunglasses in outdoor wear, can stop from in front of the sun, indoors or in the car, still can see nearly. If light color gradual color for middle-aged women wearing will have good adornment effect.
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